diy chair
Diy chair challenge
by Nick Baker & Eric Trine
Prompt: Build a functional DIY chair.
Ease of Construction: It's not a DIY chair if no one can build it themselves. Materials should be commonly available or found at your local hardware store. Small power tools like drills and circular saws are acceptable. Advanced equipment like table saws or welding are not normally considered very DIY friendly. There's no hard constraints here, but ask yourself, could someone build my chair with limited expertise? Would they have access to the tools and materials?
Refinement: Most DIY chairs look, well, very DIY... Design a chair that looks beautiful! Aim for something that would go in the MOMA and not on Etsy. Maybe your design is refined in how you use a material or highlight a detail. Maybe it's refined in its simplicity or how parts are joined together.
Originality: Show us something we've never seen. Knock our socks off with a clever material use or construction technique. Make us wish we would've thought of that idea first.
proof of concept
We tested out a very rough model to see if bungee cords would hold a person up, and it did!